Privacy Policy

How do we collect information? We collect information from you when you fill out the "Contacts" and Booking request forms, visit our site.
We can use the data obtained from you for the following purposes. identity verification contact confirmation: improvement of service quality, site improvement and internal business goals; Notification of changes in conditions.
How do we protect your data? Your personal information is located in secure networks and is available only to a limited group of persons who have special access rights to the specified systems and are required to maintain the confidentiality of the specified information. We use the data for the following purposes. to understand user preferences and ensure the effectiveness of subsequent visits. We do not sell or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties without prior notice.
Our partners who operate the site and other persons who provide us with support in the operation of the site, the implementation of activities, are not considered third parties, provided that the specified persons are obliged to observe the confidentiality of these data.
We can also disclose information in accordance with the requirements of the law to ensure compliance with site policies, protect our rights, property or safety or the safety of others. We have the right to unilaterally change the Privacy Policy published on the site at any time without prior notice, and by using the Site after such a change, you automatically agree to the modified version.